Live from the meeting room of the R&D center of Trecate, the three specialists of the sector have followed each other. After the virtual tour that showed not only the R&D center of Trecate but also the detachment of Mezzomerico and the new factory coming, the first speakers was Mr. Stocchetti as well as founding partner and manager of the sales department, which presented the company from the year of foundation until today and an overview of the production machines. The second intervention was from Mr. Piergiovanni who explained in all details the new line 27 layers with features and advantages. In closing, Mr. Strong, responsible for quality and research, showed the results obtained through the use of different materials, demonstrating the advantages obtained with the new line GAP compared to competitors.
The event, which took place entirely in English, was attended by more than fifty people all from different countries: China, Germany, Portugal, India, Russia, Poland, England, United States etc.

GAP is currently planning specific language webinars by market, with native speakers who will translate the speeches! Stay tuned for the next GAP digital event! We’ll soon be making the event registration available to everyone!
If you attended the event we would be happy to have your opinion!